Semantic Search – An SEO Trend to Master and Apply in 2015

If you still think that optimizing a website for search engines is all about keywords… Then 2015 is the year you need to change your SEO strategy. If you don’t, you risk seeing your website disappear from Google’s search results pages.

In Google’s eyes, if you don’t optimize your website for people, and what they really want, then your website isn’t worthy of a good ranking. If you’re still creating your website content for a machine that reads keywords, then your SEO is dead , and your online business will follow.

Semantic Search and Google

As we mentioned in a previous article Indonesia Mobile Number List about SEO myths to dispel in 2015 , the evolution of search engines, especially Google, will increasingly be towards presenting us with results that satisfy our real needs and intentions. Instead of presenting results that look for an exact match between what we write and the keywords present on a website.

In September 2013, the “Hummingbird” update was released by Google. Unlike its predecessors Panda and Penguin, Hummingbird represented a more profound change to the algorithm, based on semantic search . Semantics is a sub-discipline of linguistics that focuses on the study of meanings. Semantic search attempts to understand the meaning of the query and the intent/need of the searcher .

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Hummingbird is essentially paying more Original Review attention to each word in a query, so that the query—the entire phrase or meaning—is taken into account, rather than a single word. The goal is to rank pages that match the meaning higher than pages that only match a few keywords. Understanding the intent behind the words .

Growth of Conversational Searches
Since its inception, Google has trained our minds to type keywords that describe what we’re looking for. But that’s changing. Search is increasingly becoming a conversation.

Take Google Now or Siri , for example , which are teaching us how to ask questions. If I type, “Where is the nearest Salsa store?” into the search bar, Google understands “Where” as the location and “closest” as referring to where I am right now. But it also understands that I’m not looking for an herb store.

There is almost no need to use specific keywords, just use natural language and terms. For SEO optimization, it is more important to think about how your website can answer the user’s question, rather than aiming to rank well for a specific keyword .

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