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Since October 2022, advertisers have the possibility to use the content suitability settings in Google Ads at the account level … And you may be wondering, what is that? At CrackPPC we’ll tell you.

This setting applies to active Display Network and YouTube campaigns , with the exception of Search Network, Shopping, and App campaigns.

This improvement has emerged as the saturation of content on platforms has increased, seeking to make it easier for advertisers to reach more customers and grow brands safely and appear where they really want to appear. With this, we could experience performance benefits, from greater reach and viewing rates, to a reduction in the cost per view, as is the success story of the Ferrero company .

What is the content suitability section for in Google Ads?

As we mentioned earlier, content suitability is a Taiyuan Mobile Number List security setting that serves to prevent your display ads from appearing on pages or next to content that is not related to your business . This applies to the Display Network and on YouTube. For example, if we make the adjustment, we can avoid showing ads in news stories that talk about deaths, disappearances, violent episodes or other types of sensitive content. We can also avoid being linked to a political party or ideology by being shown in news of that type.

Phone Number List

Where to find content suitability in Google Ads
Prior to this platform improvement, we were able to find content suitability in Google Ads in several disaggregated sections, making the user experience slow, cumbersome, and potentially misleading.

As we’ve discussed, this can be very beneficial to us, so brand safety to avoid appearing next to inappropriate content does not require us to sacrifice reach or viewability. While this is true, too much exclusion can negatively impact cost and reach, as well as unintentionally exclude relevant and safe content for our brand.

To access these controls, simply log in to Google Ads, go to Tools & Settings, and select “Content Suitability.”

content suitability in google ads

Choose one of the inventory types that is right for your brand
Inventory types are used to prevent your ads from Orginal Review appearing on content that doesn’t fit your brand or message , and they adapt to preferences for various sensitive topics, such as profanity, sexual suggestion, and violence.

An example would be a brand that respects the shape and size of the human body, in this case, we could exclude content about weight loss and diets. Another example could be a luxury brand that does not want to appear in content related to offers and promotions.

The three types of inventories that we find in the content suitability section in Google Ads are the following :

Expanded inventory : Allows you to show ads on all content that meets monetization standards. Suitable for brands looking to maximize reach.
Standard Inventory – A wide variety of content suitable for most brands, this content will be determined by Google guidelines .
Limited inventory : for brands with very strict guidelines
In the following link you can consult more details about the type of content included/excluded in each type of inventory .

This will help us save time and avoid future errors. Thanks Google.

Where ads cannot be shown – Content exclusions
Content exclusions give us more control over where ads can be displayed. The possibilities are as follows:

content suitability in google ads
Sensitive content exclusions

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