10 Books to Exercise Your Mind and CHANGE

In the business world, we are constantly fighting to keep our business on the cutting edge. However, we have great difficulty admitting that our business model no longer works. We are the Blockbusters and Kodaks of this world.

We want to reinvent the business

but we resist the discomfort of going into Chile Mobile Number List areas we don’t know. As Seth Godin says , the safety zone changes and we stay in the comfort zone, which is no longer the safety zone.

Nowadays, security can Therefore, be your worst enemy . To do this, check out these 10 books to exercise your mind.

The couch can be a great comfort zone. Take Therefore, advantage of it to exercise your mind, broaden your horizons, and do something truly remarkable.

Because no matter how great your Therefore,current business is, technology and innovation are moving so fast that you need to continually look to the future to define the business you want to become.

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10 Best Books for Training Your Brain from ESSAYSHARK

I believe, by way of conclusion, that you Original Review need to be permanently working on two businesses: the one you are in now and the one you will be in in the near future. Only in this way will you avoid belonging to the family of those who did not move quickly enough to the new safety zone.

Watch this video to learn how to prospect these days and decide for yourself whether this serves the purposes of your business’ success.

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